Friday, October 25, 2013

as of late.

Well we've been sick the past week (or so) so we've just been hanging around in our pjs all day just the two of us.  Sometimes i hate it because I hate being stuck inside but most of the time. I love it. Because of this face. Its not like we've missed much outside.  The weather has been TERRIBLE and there isn't much to do here anyway. 
Ah this face. 
His favorite past time is tackling me and eating my face. 
Off to to laundry. At least we left the apt to do that. 
Its funny how life turns out.  We were a little surprised when this little guy decided to join our family and we thought it would be hard because we'd only been married such a short time but honestly, the Lord knows what he's doing and has His hand in all things.  I CANNOT imagine my life without him.  Him and his daddy are the best things that has ever happened to me. And although I'm a little lonely here in the North Pole, I wouldn't trade it for anything because at least I have my boys. 

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