Monday, September 21, 2015

Day 3 - Sunday

We started off the day with my most favorite thing from the entire trip.  We went on a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.  

Brad Wilcox talked about how Jesus didn't come to save them from the storm until the "fourth watch". He went on to talk about how God's delays aren't necessarily denials.  They were tossed on the sea for 3 watches before the Savior came.  If answers come to quickly, you may not learn the intended lesson.  "If God had held my head above the water, I never would've learned to swim."
Justin talked about how Christ asked them to get on the boat and go to the other side of the sea. With the storms, they could have more easily turned around and gotten to shore but they struggled and worked to do what He asked them to do. He talked about how we fall short everyday. Its not about the destination, its the journey. He made the point that once Christ got in the boat, they were there and likened it to us. When Christ is in our boat, we are there.  They're doing the best they can but they're not even close. They HAD to call out to Him. Life is hard because we need to need Him. Get Him in our boat and we are there.  Its not about the destination, its about the struggle.  Your journey isn't about perfection, its about getting Christ in our boat.  "Get Him in your boat and you're there." 
This might be my most favorite picture of Eric. Ever. <3 td="">
Brother Top then spoke about Peter and how we need to keep ourselves focused on the Savior and not on the waves around us.  When we are in the middle of crisis in our lives and there is too much to handle, we need to focus on Christ. Peter's first step out of the boat is monumental. When there is something so scary we don't think we can do, we have to take the first step toward Him.  We cry for help and He comes to us. The Savior didn't scold Him for falling, he reassured him that there is no reason to fear or doubt. Then they walked together back to the boat. That's when we can do impossible things, we will sink if we try to do it by ourselves.  My job is to trust in the Lord and let Him work through me.  Brother Top talked about Peter a lot, which I loved, and one thing he said that stuck out to me was, "He did walk on the water, which is better than any of you have done".
It was such an amazingly spiritual experience. After the speakers they decided to try and fish (we didn't catch anything) and then they blasted music and everyone just danced around.  Then they played "Proud to be an American" and we just sang out little hearts out.  It was a blast. 

After that we went to the Church of the Primacy of Peter where Jesus met with apotles after the resurrection.  
Brother Top, once again, talked about Peter. He talked about John 21 where he asked him, "do you love me, feed my sheep" and counseled us to come to the Lord and do not go back. He tells them to leave their nets and follow Him, he asks them, Why are you still here? Why are you still fishing? Give it up, come follow me, and I will make you a fisher of men.  Brother Top believed this was the turning point for Peter, he made the choice that he loved the Savior more than anything and was willing to leave everything else behind. 
We then headed to Capernaum where Jesus lived and recruited His future apostles. 
Matthew 4:13 - Jesus moves there from Nazereth
Luke 7:2-10 - Jesus heals the centurion's servant 
Mark 1:21-28, Luke 4:31-37 - Jesus casts out an unclean spirit 
Matthew 9:2-8, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:17-26 Jesus heals man with palsy  - they talked about spiritual palsy impacting us. In his case, it was not necessarily his own faith but the faith of others that his sins were forgiven. His bed that he was told to take up and walk is the spiritual malady that has been controlling us. He is saying control it, take it up, and walk. 
Matthew 13:1-53, Mark 4:1-34, Luke 8:4-18 - Jesus' first great day of parables
Matthew 9:18-36, Mark 5:22-43, Luke 8:41-56 - Jesus raises the daughter of Jairus 
Matthew 8:14-15 - Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law 
Brother Top talked about Luke 8 how Jesus healed the woman with an issue of blood.  He talked about how in Leviticus 25 it mentions how the issue of blood symbolizes being unclean, also it could the Fall, insecurities, weaknesses, or temptations. Everything that she touches or that touches her is also considered to be unclean also.  We sometimes feel that same way that "we are not worthy" or "he can't touch me or help me because I'm not worthy".  She reaches out to Him and is immediately healed.  Our issues of blood can and will be also healed if we reach out to Him.  Christ then said he felt virtue leave Him, this shows the power of Christ.  Let it fill your hearts continuously and garnish your thoughts.  "All of use have issues of blood," he said, "its part of the fall.  It only takes us reaching out to Him."  Again, "Take the first step".  

Brother Top challenged us to find all the miracles performed in Capernaum. He talked about John 6 when Jesus teaches that He is the bread of life. Brother Top explained it by saying, "I am the sustenance you need" and that we literally need to ingest His teachings. I have always believed that studying the scriptures and the teaching of our Savior will better our lives but I have really been shown it more and more since I've been home from Israel and have read and applied the scriptures on a whole different level.  It definitely needs to be a bigger part of our lives and who we are.  

We ate lunch at St. Peter's fish and it was really delicious.  Eric had to teach us all how to eat it though. 
Bet She'an was our next stop where King Saul and his sons were hung from the walls (Samuel 31).  We just looked at it and walked around the ruins. Some of us climbed to the top and took pictures. It was really amazing to see ruins from that long ago.  Amazing.  
Needless to say, it was a VERY long day and we were exhausted by the end of it. 

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